Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Throwing Up at Someone Else's House is Not My First Choice

It looks like my good luck is continuing into this week... :)

My slightly funny/mostly really embarrassing story is that yesterday, the kids and I took lunch over to a friend who had an accident last week and could use help with meals. We were all sitting in her kitchen, talking while she was eating, and Eli started coughing. All of the sudden, the coughing turned into Eli throwing up all over her kitchen floor. It wasn't a small amount either, basically everything he'd eaten that morning gushing out (three bowls of cereal, graham crackers, apple slices...). My friend's daughter took Charlie so I could clean up the mess, but Charlie started wailing, Eli was crying and shaking, and I was so mortified as I scooped up the huge mess on the floor.

I am pretty sure Eli threw up because he was gagging on all of the phlegm that he's had running down his throat, because I could hear it in his cough. He didn't have a fever, wouldn't take a nap that afternoon, and showed no signs of being really sick (by the end of the day though, he was EXTRA bossy with Charlie - any time his little brother even turned his body in Eli's direction, Eli would yell, "NO CHARLIE!!!!" Oh boy.

I'm crossing my fingers that today will be extremely uneventful...


Kell's Belles said...

We all have our public vomiting stories! My very worst was when Chloe was around eighteen months old. We were traveling on an airplane to visit my mom. They seated us in the very back of the plane and the flight was extremely turbulent. We finally landed and everyone was standing in the aisle to get off the plane. That's when Chloe started the coughing (just like Eli!). The next thing I knew, she projectile vomited all over the guy next to us. It was horrifying. He was so angry. I wanted to die! I tried to help him clean up, but seriously, he almost hit me. I had to strip Chloe down and walk her through the airport. It's been more than five years and I'm not recovered from that incident. Basically if you take toddlers out in public, sooner or later they will throw up everywhere :)

Marci said...

Oh, I'm so sorry!!! Throwing up is the worst and I'm sure at someone else's house is awful! At least it probably isn't the flu and it hasn't happened again :-)! Here's hoping tomorrow is boring!

The Knisley's said...

Oh wow!! Poor Eli! At least it was at a nice person's house...LOL!!Kelly's story was crazy! I have no idea what I would've done in her shoes!

Amber said...

Oh man! I'm sorry about the vomit. I hope your week gets better