Saturday, December 05, 2009

Petra and Fam

When your friend who is an awesome photographer (and was just accepted to the Chicago Art Institute’s photography program – yes, she’s really talented) asks you to take her family’s picture, you may feel two things:

1. Flattered she thought you were decent enough to take their picture

2. TOTALLY nervous about how it would turn out

Chicago’s good luck with the weather finally ran out and we were hit with winter weather a few days ago… this resulted in a VERY cold photo shoot this morning. Like 25 degrees at 8:30 a.m. cold. BUT the kids were troopers and while the youngest was shaking and shivering by the end, I think we got some decent ones.

I was also reminded how hard it is to get multiple people to smile/look at the camera at the same time, especially when that involves a 2-year-old :)

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I really like this one, even though Mike is looking off to the side.

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By the time we got over to this part of the beach, we were all pretty numb. Well, except for Petra, who is made of steel – she says she wasn’t cold, but I was shivering with my heavy coat, hat and gloves on!

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Thanks for a fun, crisp morning at the lake! I hope one of these works well for your holiday card (and I’m excited to see what Petra ends up doing with them because she has great photo editing skills – like swapping heads from various pictures… I really need to learn that trick!).


Jenna{Mommy in Manhattan} said...

okay you should of passed around a sign up sheet at church for holiday pictures! You are awesome. I love the background in those pics.

Unknown said...

Those look awesome!!