Saturday, December 12, 2009

Spending Our Days Inside

Meet Eli, otherwise known as The Boss.

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He gives orders, and runs a tight ship.

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Meet Charlie, the one who receives Eli’s orders, but usually blissfully ignores them. Especially when he hears the words, “NOOOOOOO Charlie!!!!!”

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He’s also the in-house expert on thumb sucking.

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“Let’s go downstairs!” Eli orders.

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We follow dutifully.

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Charlie’s spot was watching on the couch.

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He observed Eli, working hard with his toys on the radiator.

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Eli likes washing his plastic guys/animals/toys, so there is often a bowl with a little water and a paintbrush – this time he took the paintbrush and used it on his hair for a spiky effect.

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The number of toys seem to be multiplying at this spot.

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At this point in the afternoon, Charlie was getting more demanding and restless.

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In the meantime, Eli turned his car wash into a restaurant.

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Do you see Pablo (the penguin from Backyardigans) waving out the car wash window? He was cooking some food.

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I brought Charlie over and Eli was okay with it as long as Charlie stayed by the farm/didn’t mess with his restaurant operation. But you can guess how long the peace lasted :) (not very long)

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My children haven’t left the house since Wednesday. It has been freezing, freezing cold. And windy. And humid. The combo of all three makes the cold feel like it’s tearing into your insides. One of my friends said she even had frost on the inside of her window the other day. Brrrr!

Here is our sand table, filled with snow and ice as a result of my laziness to cover it up before the snow fell. Oops. Hopefully it will melt at some point and I can scoop some of it out.


We have a very busy day ahead of us, so my kids will feel the chill soon enough. I left the house on Thursday night and almost froze my face off. But hey – it’s warming up a little. Right now it’s 26 (wind chill 16) and the high is 35! Whoo hoo.


Mostess Mommy said...

I love Eli's spiky hairdo! Thanks goodness Charlie is so patient being bossed around!

Marci said...

I can't even imagine being that cold any more :-)! As always, such cute pictures of your cute boys. My favorite are the thumb sucking ones :-)!

Krista said...

Sarah, how do you do it? We must talk camera shop sometime. Your pics look so great indoors and I swear you can't be using the flash right? And you aren't using photoshop are you? I love hearing about the boys day too. Don't you think it will be awesome to look back on? And I love the boys beautiful eyes.
Thanks again for stopping by our house. Johnny owes you big time!