"What?? You're not holding me anymore?"
Charlie cries as he realizes I set him down after he fell asleep in my arms.
Offended, he kicks and screams......and doesn't stop until he's picked up again Later, I manage to make something for us to eat for dinner while Eli entertains Charlie by giving him kisses - so sweet. Charlie's 5 weeks today! Yesterday he weighed 11 pounds at the doctor's office - he's getting chunkier by the day. I need to get a picture of his many leg/tummy rolls that are developing - they are pretty cute. He's wearing the other onesie from Stacy that says, "If you think I'm cute, you should see my blog." Pretty funny! I really need to update the blog so it's not just Eli Love. But that takes more brain power and time than a quick post... (last night it was the old routine of Charlie waking/eating every three hours, so it wasn't as glorious as the night before, unfortunately) Charlie cries as he realizes I set him down after he fell asleep in my arms.
Anyway, it will get done... at some point. I just barely updated our phone's voice mail to have all four of us on there. We love you Charlie!