Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Mr. No Nap

All I wanted today was for Charlie to take a decent nap so he wouldn't be overtired tomorrow on our flight.

Instead, his little system was fighting against my wishes and he didn't nap because he was poopy (I wasn't expecting this since he had another poopy diaper earlier in the day). When I went up to check on him (he was yelling for me after a while in the crib), discovered the stinky diaper and asked him nicely if he wanted to go back to sleep once he had a clean diaper.

"Peanut butter sandwich!" Charlie declared.

Okay then! I knew there was zero chance he would actually fall asleep by this point, so we headed downstairs and I gave him the sandwich I had saved earlier from lunch (he didn't eat his). Of course he didn't eat much more, but he was being pretty funny with his conversation so I grabbed the camera. Here's cute Charlie talking to me while Eli was at preschool.

Charlie's Cute Conversation at 23 Months (Dec. 2010) from Sarah on Vimeo.

You can hear Charlie's lovely singing talent in this video of the boys being crazy on my bed this morning. And Eli's pajama song.

Charlie Singing "Twinkle Twinkle" and Eli Singing "Pajamas Pajamas" (Dec 2010) from Sarah on Vimeo.

They both know parts of the zippity do dah song, it's pretty funny hearing the words out of both kids' mouths. I love mornings like this, when we have time to just jump on the bed in our pjs and not be racing out the door.

Charlie and Eli Singing "Zippity Doo Dah" (Dec 2010) from Sarah on Vimeo.

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