Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Lots of Fresh (and Cool) Air

This morning Eli was looking out the back screen door, and kept pointing and making it obvious he wanted to go outside. I walked over and opened the door, and one of the neighbor's cats was outside on our deck. Eli was thrilled!

Eli gets just as excited (or more so) when he sees dogs, but he doesn't usually have the courage to pet them. This cat didn't scare Eli though, so Eli had fun touching his soft fur. Thankfully the cat didn't seem to mind.

Eli was very interested in seeing the cat's face, and would crouch down and study it. He even showed the cat his shovel and let him sniff it.

After the cat sighting, we ventured over to the park to meet up with our playgroup. It was sunny, but the wind made the mid-50s weather feel pretty cool. It's funny how different 55 degrees feels in October vs. April - if it was springtime, we would be out in t-shirts and feeling so happy for the sunshine after the long, gray winter. I just haven't adjusted yet to this fall weather though.

Eli started out wearing his hoodie, sunglasses, and hat...

...but soon tired of the sunglasses. His hat stayed on for most of the morning though.

Eli seems to be just fine after yesterday's fall. He was climbing all over the place (scaring me!) and having a blast.

Below he is playing peek-a-book with my friend Stacy around the trash can :)

He loved finding sticks and playing with the big three-year-old boys...

I'm hoping all of that fresh air will warrant a nice, long nap. I'm determined not to turn the heat for a little while longer, but it is so cold inside our house and it makes me want to curl up in bed and read a book. The thermometer (inside) said it was 63 degrees this morning. Brrr!! I'm not ready for winter. Happy October!


Amber Snow said...

Don't worry - we have plenty of heat still down here in Atlanta. You'll be able to get your sweat on in just 13 days!!! I am so excited for you guys to come visit!!!!!!!!! I've already planned our itinerary for the whole week - I'll give you a call tonight - yay!!

Marci said...

I can't believe it's so chilly already! It's still pretty hot here, but the air is feeling more fall like (less humid) so we're excited for a change :-)! My favorite pictures are of Eli playing cute!

Rachael said...

Cute pictures, as always! I totally want an Evanston sweatshirt like Eli's. I am enjoying a little bit of fall weather here today, other than the rain.

Kell's Belles said...

Still loving that red cap! He looks so cute in it!

Sarah Beck said...

Ohh...he is so ADORABLE

Unknown said...

I cannot get over how cute Eli is in that Baseball hat! You look cute as ever also... I know you don't feel cute being all pregnant, but I love your maternity style!