Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tired Preggie

I've had some crazy days lately. On Thursday at 5 p.m., I got an email from my newspaper editor asking when he was going to see my story (that he had assigned to me the week before and said was due Dec. 16th). I had played phone tag all week with the alderman who was my main source for the story, so I had NOTHING. I wrote him back and said I thought it was due next month, and he said, my mistake, but can you get me something by tomorrow?

Until this moment, I had planned to spend Friday morning delivering packets to churches in our area publicizing a nativity exhibit our ward is hosting in a few weeks (I'm on our stake public affairs committee). Instead, I spent the first half of the morning making calls, waiting for calls back, and hastily putting something together for my article.

Eli and I finally set out at 10:30 a.m. to go to churches (of other faiths) in our town and neighboring towns. This involved finding street parking, taking Eli out of his car seat, carrying him and the packet up to the church, wandering around until I found a door that was open, looking for the office, and giving my schpiel about the exhibit. Then we would trek back outside to the car, I would buckle Eli in, and we would drive to the next place and start all over again. I had a special knack for choosing four or five wrong doors at each church before finding the one that was open (most of these were very old, large churches that stretched across an entire block and had multiple doors). I came home three hours later, completely exhausted. I put Eli down for a late nap and finished my article while he slept.

Saturday was better. But today was a hard day. Ben had to be at church early and caught a ride with a friend (Sunday is the only day of the week when we wish we still had two cars...). I then had to take Eli, the diaper bag, and a big bag full of random stuff. Eli refused to walk when we got to church and were making our way through the parking lot, so I hobbled in to the chapel carrying my toddler and bags (not to mention my 30-weeks prego belly making this completely awkward), wearing heels, feeling like I was going to tip over.

By the third hour of church, I felt awful. I was having hot flashes, my tights were falling down (seriously, it was so uncomfortable and frustrating), I had a huge headache and the right side of my face was killing me because I have a sinus infection and just started the antibiotic yesterday. I had things I needed to take care of after church was over, so I stuck it out and tried not to look too pathetic, though I was feeling that way.

By the time I walked out to the parking lot, my tights were at my knees and a sweet friend helped me carry everything out to the car since Ben had a meeting after church and then was speaking in the next ward. I came home, took my antibiotic and two tylenol, fed Eli lunch, and put him down for his nap.

But he didn't nap. He jumped around, talked and hollered, threw books out of his crib (with big thumps) and yelled for dada, boppy, etc. I chose to ignore him (he wasn't crying after all) and just laid in bed, waiting for the tylenol to kick in and stop my head from pounding. I went in after an hour had passed, thinking maybe his diaper was stinky... But no, he was just hyper for no real reason and not settling down. We read some books and I tried putting him down again. Another hour passed with no luck. Thankfully Ben came home and took care of him while I napped and woke up feeling a little better.

So now it's 10:30 p.m. I'm hoping I can fall asleep soon! This week should be less crazy and I'm looking forward to being more low key. Some days are just easier than others...


Kerstin said...

Oh Sarah I hate days/weekends like this. I hope your week is a little more restful and that Eli doesn't skip anymore naps. I think the days I am most frustrated is when Charlotte does the whole jumping around business and not taking a nap business.

Marci said...

Bummer! I've only had one sinus infection in my life and it was awful...I'm sorry you have one while you are so pregnant :(! It truly is amazing how much work it is to load and unload kids into cars. I'm always exhausted after our library days...just going to the gym and carrying my bag and Addie, etc. and then doing the same at the library with that bag and sometimes running into the grocery store is amazingly tiring. Hopefully you can stay at home and just relax today!!!

DC Diva said...

Oh Sarah! The tights around the knees... that crotch part creeeeping down... I remember it all too well! Look at you -- working, serving in the church, full-time boppy (feeling like a single parent) and growing a 2nd child. No wonder you're exhausted!

Suzette Selden said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. The hose around the knees is the worst. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Cami Severson said...

Wow. Sorry things have been rough for you this week! It always seems to get difficult right when you get too big to do anything about it easily. My baby sister, Brindi, is due next week, with her first baby. Friday, as she was driving home from work, her car died about a mile from home (fortunately is wasn't too far from home) and she had to walk home. Then they just found out that it is the transmission, a $6000 repair. She isn't sure what she will be doing to get herself to work now, or what she is going to do for a car.... More stress than she needs right now. Isn't that the way it always goes?!?

Young Family said...

I know just how you feel. It is exhausting isn't it? At tleast the end is in sight!

Jenn said...

The next time you have to go to churches or run any errands where you're getting out of the car a ton, call me and I'll watch Eli. Seriously! I can't believe you did that all on your own!

Amber said...

So sorry you had a day like this. It's so hard to be pregnant and sick at the same time.
It sounds like you may have what I developed when I was pregnant with Emma. I had so much sinus pressure and fluid in my face and around my eyes that I lost my hearing in one ear-yes really! I went to an ENT who diagnosed my with Rhinitis of Pregnancy. It helps to get a face mister/humidifier that you place your face into directly. Email me if you have more questions about this. Hope you feel better soon!

Jodie, Stefan and Natalia said...

All of that sounds exhausting by itself and then somehow pregnancy makes everything so much harder than usual! I feel for you. I'm glad to hear you're starting to feel a little better. When I saw Ben in meetings on Sunday and then speaking, my heart went out to you. Sundays can be so long when one spouse is caught up.