Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Yes We Can!

I'm thrilled with tonight's results. Ben got in line to vote at 5:50 a.m. so he could vote before work, and had an hour wait. Eli and I walked over at 3:45 p.m. and were able to go right in (I was so relieved we didn't have a huge wait - Eli had just woken up from his nap and was a little out of sorts - but he still entertained the election judges while I voted on the touch screen).

It was a beautiful, strangely warm day in Chicago - the temperature went above 70 degrees and it was a perfect 60 degrees tonight as the President-elect Barack Obama addressed the huge crowd at Grant Park with our beautiful city's skyline in the background, some of the skyscrapers lit w/ "VOTE 2008" and "USA." I loved Obama's speech and am excited to see how he will bring about the change he has promised. Today is a spectacular, historic day.

(I apologize for this lousy picture - I took it outside our polling place w/ my compact camera that had Eli's fingerprints/smudges all over the lens. Do you like Eli's bedhead hair? :)


Laura said...

Sorry Sara but it was a sad night for us--I figured it would happen but it finally happening still was sad! I can only hope that Prop 8 passes here in Cali. It was a beautiful skyline though! Harrison was jumping behind the coushins on the couch while I voted and entertaining everyone as well--Aren't kids great?!

Sarah Beck said...

Yes! We did it! I'm SO excited. Even though North Dakota went McCain, I still think my calls and door to door canvassing made a difference. I'm so excited--President Obama :)

Kell's Belles said...

I got SO lucky my polling place, too! One guy in front of me! Hurray!

Suzette Selden said...

Go Barack! I am SO happy about last night (other than no democratic judges being elected to the Texas Supreme Court). Chicago looked absolutely beautiful last night!

Jodie, Stefan and Natalia said...

Last night was amazing! I think I'm still celebrating! I can't wait to see what the future brings! You know, you're the only person so far on my blog friends' list that commented on the results! I love it.

Aaron and Emily said...

So were you actually at Grant Park?

Ben Severson said...

Oh no! So sorry - did not mean to give that impression. We spent the earlier part of the evening over at Mike and Saralyn's, watching the coverage, and then came home to put Eli to bed and watch the rest. I just loved seeing the skyline and all of the festivities in our town on tv - it was fun to share that with the rest of the country!

Sarah S said...

sorry, that was sarah, not ben :)

Katie and Greg said...

That skyline was so beautiful. I don't think there could have been a prettier setting for that. I'm still just anxious to see what actually happens as I have just lost hope that ANYONE can actually do anything for America. So we'll see. Sometimes I love him, and sometimes I'm doubtful. I guess we'll see.