Monday, January 05, 2009

Paper Towel Rolls are for Unraveling

When the phone rang this morning, Eli was busy coloring and playing with his Lightning McQueen car. Our mortgage guy called to talk about refinancing options since rates are lower now than from when we bought the house in August.

When I got off the phone, I realized Eli had decided he needed a paper towel, but couldn't get just one section, so he kept pulling it all the way into the office area where he had been coloring.

It stretched from where it started under the sink in the kitchen, through the dining room, and into the office where his little table is set up. We don't usually have that table inside, but we brought it in over the weekend and he is loving it. I'm happy for him to have a table his size to color and play on while we're cooped up in these cold months. (and we have it on a blanket so the table doesn't scratch the floor)

Today I have a feeling he remembered me cleaning the table with a paper towel and Lysol when we brought it in, and decided it needed to be cleaned again :)

Now I just need to roll the paper towels back up...


Kell's Belles said...

What a good boy to clean his table! It's so funny what a little one can accomplish during one phone call . . . I wish I were that productive!

Young Family said...

What a cutie!

Cami Severson said...

How cute is he!!! It makes me want to squeeze him!! I remember Levi, at this same age, wreaking Havoc in the kitchen while I was folding laundry in my bedroom (door open of course). When I came out, I found him on the floor, with multiple markers, having drawn on every surface he could find.....including himself!! No wonder he was so quiet!

Anne said...

Sometimes the messes are worse when they try to clean them up themselves, but it's so cute to see them try. I hope you can be somewhat comfortable these last few weeks. I hardly slept at all the two weeks before Leah was born. I almost felt manic with all the things I wanted to do. It all worked out somehow though.