Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's Only 9 AM...

But so far, Eli has done the following since waking up this morning:
  • Cried during my entire shower (for no apparent reason)
  • Tried to put keys in an electrical socket (which prompted me to put outlet covers on every outlet in our house)
  • Cried some more when I took the keys away
  • Unraveled the toilet paper roll
  • Cried some more
  • Hit and pinched me out of frustration

We're heading off to meet our playgroup at the park. I really hope the day goes up from here!! I think his tears are partly because he is STILL teething... molars are popping up all over the place. Poor child. I'm taking lots of deep breaths today :)


Marci said...

Ready for another one :-)?!

Young Family said...

I know how just how you feel today. Hayden threw a temper tantrum and laid on the floor screaming. I was trying to leave to go visiting teaching and it tokk 15 minutes to get out of the house. I hate when mornings start like this.

Beckie said...

ELI!!! Be nice to your Mommy!
Your not even TWO yet!
Sarah, I hope the rest of your day went better!

Beckie said...

and I know I should have typed you're not YOUR my brain is also on vacation...