Here are two quick video clips of Eli's dancing in Home Depot last night:
While I really dislike Home Depot, Eli loves it. Especially when I let him out of the cart and walk - he was squealing, laughing, dancing, and saying hi to anyone that came in his path. I think it's funny that he's had his stuffed dolphin with him both times that we have recently been in this store. Thanks to Marlee for this loved toy!
And to answer the question from a few of you of whether I'm feeling better - I still get sick about once a week. Not throwing up, but just yucky nausea that seems to come on in a sporadic way - there aren't any specific foods that have set it off lately, but sometimes at the end of the day I feel pretty blah and gross. I last felt sick over the weekend.
I really can't complain though. I have had friends with MUCH worse pregnancy sickness, and I'm grateful it's not often enough that I need to take expensive prescription drugs to function. Unisom and B6 will be my constant companion for the rest of this pregnancy, but that's not too bad.
It's funny looking back at how much happened in the first half of this pregnancy. While it's made the time go SO fast, I'm hoping the second half is a little less eventful and more calm as we prepare for the new addition!
I'm glad you feel that your pregnancy is going quickly. I feel like mine is going ever so slowly. I attribute it to the number of appointments I've had and finding out the gender so early.
I love the video of Eli dancing.
Eli's got some dance moves and he looks like a cool little french kid in his striped shirt! Glad you're starting to feel better!
oh I love how he shakes his little head! TOO cute!
so cute how he LOVES the dolphin!
Wow, he can really groove.
Lots of guys feel like dancing when they're at the Home Depot. That's a great video. I hope the second half of the pregnancy sees the nausea disappear completely!
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